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Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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│ Designations claimed as trademark appear in initial capitals or all capitals │
(c) Copyright 1988-1991 by FM de Monasterio
All rights reserved
BLANKs version 3.31
BLANKs is an IBM PC-DOS/MS-DOS based, resident program which blanks the
screen after a preselected interval in the absence of a keypress. This
interval can be selected from 1 to 60 minutes. A selection higher than
60 minutes is set to 60. Selecting 0 minutes disables screen blanking;
blanking can be enabled by re-invoking with an interval of 1 to 60 min.
The program also offers the option of parking hard-disk(s) heads at the
time of blanking, of blanking the screen at the press of a (selectable)
hot-key combination, and the use of a password to unblank the (manually
blanked) screen. See BLANKS.NEW for a description of what is new in the
current version.
BLANKs is a terminate-and-stay resident program, and it can be executed
repeatedly to change its parameters without yielding multiple copies to
memory. It consists of a resident component, wich contains the code for
blanking/unblanking the screen and parking the disk, and which occupies
less than 1 kb of memory, and a non-resident component, which loads the
resident component, communicates with the installed resident on further
executions of the program, and provides other ancillary functions.
BLANKs requires DOS version 2.00 or higher.
The video blanking is obtained by direct commands to the hardware (video
controller) to turn off/on the video signal. This is a fast method that
operates successfully in the IBM PC/XT, PC/AT and in some IBM compatible
computers installed with MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA, and HERCULES video adapters
or with IBM-compatible adapters from other manufacturers.
NOTICE - The program may not work in some nonIBM microcomputers and it
should not be used with other video adapter types unless they
are compatible with the IBM adapter at the register level (as
it is possible that some of these adapters might be damaged).
Blanking occurs as a result of keyboard and BIOS video inactivity within
a selectable time interval (of between 1 and 60 minutes), or by pressing
a selectable hotkey (<Ctrl-B> in the distributed version). Once blanking
has occurred, press any key to unblank the screen; a <Shift> keypress is
especially useful for this purpose.
BLANKs can be executed repeatedly to modify resident parameters, without
resulting in multiple copies to memory. The resident part uses about 800
bytes of memory. BLANKs parameters can be specified from the DOS prompt
or via the environment string 'BLANKS='(see below).
A 32-bit CRC calculation is performed each time BLANKs is executed; if it
fails, BLANKs will abort operation. CRC failures indicate a modification
of the code, and the program should *not* be used for your own protection
(e.g. error in copying or downloading, malicious alteration of the code).
The noncritical messages, i.e. successful or uneventful operation, can be
redirected to the NUL: device (bit bucket) by the DOS redirection command
"> NUL." Critical messages such as operation failures, however, cannot be
redirected by DOS commands, and are always displayed (unless the "StdErr"
handle processing of the console output has been modified).
From the DOS command line or from a batch file, BLANKs is installed (or,
when already installed, modified) by the command:
BLANKs [T] [/switches] [;comments]
A. [T] Timed blanking interval in minutes. These are the minutes that
the program waits before blanking the screen in the absence of
keyboard and (BIOS-mediated) video activity. Valid selections
are 0 or a number in the range of 1 to 60. The selection of a
0-minute interval disables timed blanking; the selection of an
interval larger than 60 defaults to 60 minutes or to the value
(in the valid range) of the first 2 digits in inputs with more
than 2 digits.
Typing 'T' rather than the digit(s) yields a 5-second interval
for test purposes (see below <F2> key in Syntax/Help panel).
Null interval defaults to 3 minutes; this default value can be
changed via an environment string variable (see below).
B. The switches can be entered from:
(1) The DOS prompt line or a batch file
(2) An environment variable with the format BLANKS=/SWITCH1.../SWITCHn,
Switches can be given in any order and any character between space (ASCII
32) and slash (ASCII 47) can be used as a switch delimiter. The switches
are not case sensitive. An invalid switch specification aborts execution
of the program. Starting with version 3.17, switch /C (for cloning) is no
longer recognized.
Asterisks (*) mark items available only in registered program copies
/Ax - Force configuration to a specified video adapter. This switch
bypasses the automatic configuration of BLANKs for the adapter
detected at the time of each execution. Valid specifications:
/Am MDA configuration (IBM Monochrome Display Adapter and the
Hercules cards HGA, HGA plus, InColor). Uses and restores
bit 3 of video port 3B8h.
/Ac CGA configuration (IBM Color Graphics Adapter, MultiColor
Graphics Array [MCGA], and compatible adapters). Uses and
restores bits 0-3 of port 3D9h and bit 3 of port 3D8h.
/Ae EGA configuration (IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter and com-
patible adapters). Resets video ports 3BAh and 3DAh, and
uses and restores bit 5 of port 3C0h.
/Av VGA configuration (IBM Video Graphics Array and compatible
adapters). Uses video port 3C4h, and uses and restores bit
5 of port 3C5h.
Switch /Ax is useful if the video adapter type is not identified
properly. Read the above notice on video adapter compatibility.
Starting with version 3.15, BLANKs assumes that a CGA whose ROM
BIOS contains the letters 'COMPAQ' is a monochrome COMPAQ card;
if you wish to override the assumption, switch /AC forces a CGA
color configuration.
/Dn - Adjust brightness of VGA display. The brightness change step
is specified by the sign and value of number <n> ranging from
-63 to +63.
/D-n (for 0 < n < 64) Decrease the brightness of the screen,
reducing the contrast of the display.
/D+n (for 0 < n < 64) Increase the brightness of the screen,
reducing the saturation of the display.
/D0 Restore screen to its original brightness as dictated by
the settings of the monitor. Clears the screen.
Defaults: If <n> is not specified, the default step is 2; if
neither number nor sign is specified, the step is -2.
Brightness changes are additive. Repeated use of this switch
or the use of large numbers shall produce unreadable screens.
Switch /D is a sticky parameter: Brightness changes remain in
effect even if BLANKs is made quiescent or uninstalled.
* /E - Creates the DOS environment string BLANKS=/SWITCH1.../SWITCHn,
where SWITCH1...SWITCHn are the switches specified when BLANKs
is executed from the DOS command line. When the string BLANKS=
already exists, switch /E updates the contents of this string.
Although the switch itself is incorporated into the string, it
is ignored when BLANKs uses the string as input.
Switch /E uses the undocumented DOS function 52h that does not
work in some buggy DOS 4.00 versions but works in 2.10 through
3.31, and 4.01. See section 3 for more details. No defaults.
/H - Hotkey switch. In addition to timed screen blanking, BLANKs
allows for manual blanking of the video by pressing a hotkey
combination. The combination is <Ctrl-B> in the distributed
version of the program, but it can be changed in the case of
key assignment conflicts. Once the screen has been manually
blanked, only keyboard activity can unblank it.
BLANKs removes the hotkey from the keyboard buffer. However,
utilities loaded after BLANKs might save such an input; this
is what occurs, for example, with some word processors where
the hotkey needs to be erased from the text.
/H+ Enable hotkey operation; this is the default condition
if an switch argument is not specified (/H = /H+).
/H- Disable hotkey operation. Can be reenabled with /H+.
* /H? Permits selection of a new hotkey combination including
an alphanumeric key, and one or more of the shift keys:
<Ctrl>, <Alt>, <lt-Shift>, and <rt-Shift>.
* /Hxn Use <xn> as the hotkey combination, where <x> is a pure
alphanumeric character (0-9 or A-Z), and <n> is a digit
between 4 and 15 only. The latter digit corresponds to
one of the following 'shift' keys or their sum:
1 = right shift ************************
2 = left shift Values higher than 15 or
4 = Ctrl lower than 4 are invalid
8 = Alt ************************
For obvious reasons, <Ctrl> or <Alt>, or both, must be part of
any new hotkey combination either in switch /H? or /Hxn. If a
hotkey other than the default one is needed routinely, be sure
to store in the DOS environment (via the SET command) a string
named "BLANKS=" containing the specification for switch /Hxn.
* /Ln - Load the resident in high memory between 640 and 1024 kb, i.e.
below the 1 Mb boundary of conventional RAM (but above the RAM
area normally controlled by DOS). The switch requires that an
XMS manager (XMM) complying with the specifications of XMS 2.0
for upper memory block (UMB) functions 10h and 11h is present,
and that a free UMB of less than 1 kb is available.
| Optionally, a lower high-memory bound can be specified via <n>,
| a hexadecimal number between A000 (640 kb) and FFFF (1,024 kb),
| so as to avoid specific areas of high memory with a slow access
| time. Memory access times are provided by some memory managers
| (such as Qualitas' 386MAX and Quarterdeck's QEMM386) but not by
| others (such as Microsoft's HIMEM.SYS). To examine access times
| in more detail, use the program TIMEM.EXE, which is enclosed in
| this software release of BLANKs (see also TIMEM.DOC).
Unlike the high-memory loading provided by 386 memory managers,
the required size of the free UMB is that of the resident code,
and not that of the entire program. (A few additional bytes are
used by XMS for the UMB allocation. See section on High Memory
Defaults: Low-memory installation if any error is found during
| the UMB loading. High-memory installation below lower bound if
| no UMB is available above this limit.
* /M - Force monitoring of video activity mediated by mouse calls to
interrupt 33h. If enabled, switch /M avoids timed blanking of
the screen when mouse activity is detected. Note that switch
/M does not unblank the screen after its manual blanking with
the hotkey combination.
/M+ Enable mouse monitoring; can be disabled with /M[-].
/M- Disable mouse monitoring; this is the default condition
if an argument is not specified at the time of resident
Defaults: /M = /M-
NOTE: The mouse activity of some programs is not mediated via
interrupt 33h, but by direct commands; hence, BLANKs will not
detect mouse activity and the screen will be blanked.
NOTE: There are mouse drivers that can freeze the computer if
interrupt 33h is found to be in use at the time of the driver
installation; if you have such a driver, and would rather not
install it before BLANKs, then you must specify switch /M- at
the time of installing BLANKs.
* /P - Park hard-disk head(s) during manual or timed blanking of the
screen. Moves the disk head to the highest disk cylinder for
each physical disk, attached to the disk controller, that can
be accessed via the BIOS; parking is inhibited when BIOS disk
or diskette activity is in progress at the time of blanking.
/P+ Enable hard disk parking; this is the default condition
if an argument is not specified at the time of resident
/P- Disable disk parking. (Can be reenabled with /P[+].)
Defaults: /P = /P+
When used in a machine lacking a hard disk, parking should be
disabled at the time of installation, as parking attempts may
freeze the machine.
NOTE: Parking is not available in a special version of BLANKs
for laptop and diskless machines to avoid potential conflicts
were disk parking requested.
/Q - Disable timed blanking. Has the same effect as selecting an
interval of 0 minute for the [T] option; it does not affect
manual blanking via the hotkey combination. No defaults.
/U - Uninstall. (Use only when BLANKs was the last resident to be
installed as otherwise this creates a 'hole' in memory.) No
The request is not honored when any of the interrupt vectors
that have been intercepted has been changed since BLANKs was
installed. This may be caused by installing other residents
after BLANKs (or by a prior resident that modifies interrupt
vectors set by residents loaded after it).
Prior to uninstalling a resident, it is safe to check memory
status with one of the several memory mapping utilities that
are available. BLANKs (versions 2.20+) can be identified by
name in low-memory usage maps. Although BLANKs removes its
own copy of the environment at loading time (to minimize the
resident size), the string "BLANKs n.nn" will appear in the
command line listings of the map, irrespective of the actual
content of the DOS command line at the time of installation.
For example, MAPMEM.COM (TurboPower Software) should display
the following identification for a normal, lower-memory load
of the 386+ release of BLANKs:
PSP blks bytes owner command line hooked vectors
----- ---- ----- ------- ------------------ --------------
hhhh 1 752 N/A BLANKs 3.31 08 09 10 13 33
| With residents loaded in high memory via switch /L, however,
| some memory mapping utilities fail to list the allocated UMB
| or lump it with other allocated blocks. If the XMS services
| are implemented by a 286/386 memory manager, use the mapping
| service of the manager to examine high memory. For example,
| switch /M of 386MAX (Qualitas), version 4.09, should display
| the following listing for an upper-memory loading of the 386
| release of BLANKs:
| High DOS Memory
| ------------------------------------------------------------
| Hex Hex Hex Decimal
| Name Start End Owner Length Interrupt Numbers
| ------------------------------------------------------------
| hex# hex# -UMB- 48
| hex# hex# -UMB- 752 08 09 10 13 33
| ------------------------------------------------------------
| Alternatively, MANIFEST (Quaterdeck), version 1.00, provides
| the following listing for the same high-memory loading:
| hex# - hex# 0.1K (yyyy)
| hex# - hex# 0.8K (zzzz)
| where name 'zzzz' is also listed as owning the interrupts:
| hex#: (zzzz) 08 09 10 13 33
* /W - Password unblanking: A selected sequence of 1 to 15 nonshifted
alphanumeric characters, followed by a <right-Shift> keypress,
must be typed to unblank the video after MANUAL blanking. The
rebooting with <Ctrl-Alt-Del> is suppressed. Notice that pass-
word unblanking is not needed upon timed screen blanking; once
enabled, password unblaking can be disabled with switch "/W-".
* /Wx Specify from the command line a password, in which x is a
string of 1 to 15 nonshifted, pure alphanumeric (0-9 a-z)
* /W? Request to specify a new password of up to 15 nonshifted,
pure alphanumeric characters. After these characters have
been typed, press <ENTER> to make this password resident;
press <Esc> to avoid changing the password or press <Ctrl
Break> to quit to DOS. The typed characters can be erased
with the <Backspace> key.
NOTE: If <Enter> is pressed before any valid character is
typed, the unblanking of the manual blanking of the video
will occur only after pressing the <Right-Shift> key.
* /W- Disable password unblanking.
* /W+ Re-enable use of the resident password (if a password had
not been loaded, the video will unblank only when <Right-
Shift> is pressed). This is the default condition when an
argument is not specified for this switch (/W = /W+).
/? - Invokes a brief syntax and status display that identifies the
type of adapter detected and the program settings. Once here,
pressing <F1> or <H> shows a more detailed description on the
program usage (except in a special release of BLANKs for disk
less/laptop machines, which is some 8,000 bytes smaller).
When BLANKs has not been installed, pressing <F2> or <M> shows
the default parameters. When it is installed, pressing <F2> or
<M> yields a 1-sec interval for testing purposes; the original
interval is restored after any keypress to unblank the screen.
When switch ? is requested and a EGA or VGA adapter is present
the program tries to read and save the contents of the palette
registers prior to asserting its own attribute palette for the
display. For the EGA, the program uses a 'Parameter Save Area'
that the EGA BIOS can use to store the contents of the palette
and the border (overscan) register, so that these contents can
be restored upon exiting the panel. If the EGA fails to store
the data, the default DOS palette is loaded.
Press <Esc> to go back to the prior screen at any time. Press
<F7> or <X> to return to the DOS prompt. Mouse support is also
provided for point-and-click key selections. During display of
the Help/Syntax/Status panels, the BLANKs resident ignores any
activity via interrupt 33h.
C. Comments may be added in the command line after the desired switches
after being preceded by a semicolon. Such comments, which may be useful
in clarifying batch files, are ignored by BLANKs.
Do not use the redirection (<>) and pipe (|) characters in the comments,
as DOS will attempt to implement the implied redirection or pipe request
in an unpredictable manner.
Starting with version 3.14, when BLANKs is executed without any arguments
from either the DOS command line or a batch file, the program switches can
be specified via a DOS environment variable 'BLANKS' having the format:
Up to 128 characters are allowed after the equal sign. This string can be
placed in the DOS environment block via the SET command or via switch /E.
While the SET command modifies the default environment block, whether it is
the global or a local one, switch /E always modifies the global environment
block (even when BLANKs is executed via a secondary copy of COMMAND.COM, as
in the case of shelling to DOS from inside an application). Note that local
environment blocks (i.e. a secondary COMMAND) are only a copy of the master
global block and lack sufficient room to increase the length of a variable;
hence, when the default block is a local one, switch /E does not modify it.
In contrast, when reading the environment variable, the program always uses
the default environment block.
NOTE: See the file DOS_ENV.TXT, distributed in this release, for a more
detailed description of the DOS environment block.
This variable can be used to specify a BLANKs default configuration (e.g.,
/H+/P-/W-/HB8), which can be restored just by executing BLANKs without any
arguments after a temporary change of parameters. An especially important
use of the 'BLANKS=' variable, particularly since the removal of switch /C
in version 3.17, is to change the hotkey combination when the default keys
conflict with those of a foreground application.
Starting with version 3.20, BLANKs can install itself directly into high
conventionl memory (RAM addresses between 640 kb and 1,024 kb) via switch
/L. Such a loading is mediated by an XMS manager (XMM) version 2.0, that
must be installed prior to the loading, of the type HIMEM.SYS (Microsoft)
Some 386-memory managers (386^MAX version 4.09 and QEMM version 5.11, for
example) provide XMS support as well. All XMMs require a DOS version 3.0
or later.
For the loading to be successful, an upper memory block (UMB) of the size
of the BLANKs resident, plus an additional 48-byte block used by the XMM,
must be available.
| Switch /Ln, where A000 ≤ n ≤ FFFF (hexadecimal), allows the specification
| of a lower high-memory bound for the UMB, to avoid high-memory areas with
| a very slow access time.
| Hence, compared to the high-memory installation provided by some (but not
| all) memory managers, direct UMB loading has two major advantages: (1) it
| does not need an initial free block of high memory the size of the entire
| program, as opposed to the resident size, to be available, and (2) allows
| some user control on the selection of the high-memory block.
BLANKs can be installed in high memory via a 386-specific memory manager
also, provided that there is enough high memory for the *actual* size of
the program, plus any additional memory required by the loading utility.
BLANKs is a compressed file that expands upon execution. The difference
between the loaded and directory sizes may produce conflicts with high-
memory loading programs that fail to measure the actual size of the file
being loaded. When there is not enough high memory to permit expansion,
but there is enough memory for the nominal directory size, such programs
will load the compressed utility and its subsequent expansion will over-
write adjacent memory and crash the computer. Note that when switch /?,
/H?, or /W? has been selected, 4,302 bytes of additional RAM are needed.
Starting with version 3.00, BLANKs does not require a high-memory loading
utility to update its own resident component, and all updates can be made
via normal DOS-command line or batch-file calls. This obviates one of the
major restrictions in using high-memory UMB installation, namely the need
to maintain a pool of free high-memory to load the entire program just to
update a small resident component.
Notice that when switch /U is requested from the normal DOS command line
(as opposed to via a high-memory utility), the resident shall be removed
from memory even if it was installed in the high-memory UMB region. (The
confirmation request of versions 3.00 to 3.16 is no longer required.)
When the resident is removed via a high-memory utility, notice that some
of these utilities warn that a "resident installation has failed." Such
warnings are harmless and may be ignored.
BLANKs intercepts interrupts 8h (system timer), 9h (keyboard), 10h (BIOS
video), 13h (BIOS disk), and 33h (mouse driver [Microsoft/Logitech Mouse
format]). A brief description of these interrupts is given below:
- Interrupt 8h is issued 18.2 times every second to update the time-of-the-
day counter in the BIOS data area. Since a timer interrupt can thus only
operate within a period of about 55 ms or less, including the overhead of
DOS and other utilities hooking the timer, BLANKs uses direct commands to
the video hardware (written in assembly language), which are issued after
the original timer interrupt is served.
- Interrupt 9h is issued when a key on the keyboard is pressed or released.
If the hotkey service is enabled (see switch /H+), the screen is blanked
when the hotkey combination is pressed. The hotkey code is removed from
the keyboard buffer. A keypress unblanking the timed or manually blanked
screen is also removed from this buffer (version 3.12+); any other keys,
however, are passed along for keyboard processing.
- Interrupt 10h mediates BIOS video services. Screen blanking is suppressed
during video activity, but this activity does not unblank the screen once
blanking has occurred. Due to the monitoring, video speed is decreased by
a small percentage.
- Interrupt 13h is used to mediate a variety of BIOS disk services. If hard
disk parking is enabled (see switch /P below), parking on screen blanking
is inhibited during BIOS disk(ette) activity. NOTE: Interrupt 13h is not
intercepted in a special version of BLANKs for computers that lack a hard
disk; the version is smaller than the standard 086 or 286 versions by ca.
100 bytes in the resident (and several kbytes in the nonresident) part.
- Interrupt 33h (which is not used by DOS or the BIOS) is used in Microsoft
and Logitech implementations of calls to the Mouse driver. This interrupt
is claimed by the driver during its initialization and it is used by some
mouse-based programs.
BLANKs bypasses interrupt 8 when a blanking interval of 0 minute has been
selected (see below). Interrupt 9 is bypassed only when an interval of 0
minute and switch /H- (see above) have been selected. When switch /H- has
been selected along with a nonzero time interval, only the hotkey service
of interrupt 9 is bypassed.
Hence, the two interrupt activities of BLANKs are bypassed by the "0 /H-"
selection; this may be of use in case of testing potential conflicts with
other resident programs.
Interrupts 10h (BIOS video) and 13h (BIOS disk) cannot be bypassed by any
of the switches, while interrupt 33h can be bypassed by switch /M-.
BLANKs will fail to operate properly when access to interrupts 8 and 9 is
denied by another program or resident loaded after BLANKs. This can occur
with ill-behaved utilities that take over the interrupts and fail to pass
the information to those other utilities tapping the same interrupts.
In particular, if access to interrupt-9 data is denied, keyboard activity
shall fail to unblank the screen once it is blanked. When testing for in-
compatibilities with a given program, be sure that any program that fails
to allow for manual blanking when <Ctrl-B> is pressed, will permit screen
unblanking after a timed blanking. Programs that fail to pass information
from interrupts 8 *and* 9 are less of a problem in the sense that neither
manual nor timed blanking are likely to be allowed.
To monitor interrupt 33h, BLANKs must be installed after the mouse device
driver, as otherwise this driver will not allow access to this interrupt.
Note also that the driver for a well known mouse can freeze the system if
interrupt 33h is in use at the time of installing the driver; the problem
does not seem to occur with other drivers (e.g., Logitech's MOUSE.COM).
Since the BIOS video services are comparatively slow, many programs write
directly to video memory instead of using the BIOS services. Because such
video writes are not detected by BLANKs, screen blanking may occur during
during the video activity of the programs. Similarly, any mouse activity
implemented by commands that bypass interrupt 33h will not avoid blanking
of the screen (as in the case of some desktop publishing programs).
Starting with version 2.40, BLANKs passes to DOS errorlevels values that
can be used to test the outcome of BLANKs commands via a batch file. The
following errorlevels apply for version 3.21 and higher:
Value Nature of Error
----- ------------------------------------
255 Cyclical redundancy check failure
255 CPU type cannot execute 286+ version
128 XMM not installed or XMS error in UMB load
64 Error in update of environment variable
32 Invalid password format
16 Invalid hotkey combination
8 Unknown video adapter
4 Unable to uninstall resident
2 Invalid switch request
1 User <CTRL-BREAK> keypress
0 Successful execution
Some conditions generating errorlevels 128 through 1 may be additive and
the resulting errorlevel may represent the sum of their values.
These programs and the documentations (the "software") are the copyrighted
property of FM de Monasterio (the "author"), who provides the software and
licenses its use. Neither the title to nor ownership of this software are
transferred to you by such a license, and both are retained by the author.
All rights are reserved.
The software is user-supported; the enclosed release, although lacking the
options marked by asterisks, is a fully usable program. You may test this
release for (in)compatibilities with your system, but after the testing is
completed you are requested to order a registered release of this software
from the address below.
Alternatively, to continue use of this unregistered copy, send to the same
address a US$5.00 check marked "For Deposit Only," and payable to "PATIENT
CARE FUND, CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL" of Washington, DC. Unregistered users who
donate to this fund may legally keep such a copy under the injunctions and
limitations described below.
* BLANKS.REG contains a form needed to register or upgrade this software *
Refer all inquiries about the software to:
FM de Monasterio
P.O. Box 219
Cabin John, MD 20818-0219
Upon registration you receive a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to
use the software. Two types of license are available:
Single User License:
Upon registration/upgrade you are granted a nontransferable license to use
the software in a single computer at a time. You may transfer the software
physically to another computer provided that the software is then not used
on more than one computer at any time.
Site/10-Computer License:
Upon registration/upgrade you are granted a nontransferable license to use
the software in a single site or a set of sites provided that the software
is not used in more than ten computers at any time and that such computers
are located exclusively within the registered site(s).
Within the same major version: Registered software users can upgrade free
of charge within the same major version (e.g., 2.00 through 2.99).
Outside the same major version: Registered users can upgrade for half the
the license fee for a different version of the software.
To upgrade send a self-addressed stamped diskette mailer with the original
360 kb diskette to the address above, along with the upgrade form.
Limited technical support is provided to registered users. If you discover
a problem, please try to replicate it under the same conditions and, then,
in the absence of other resident programs. (Changes in the order residents
are installed sometimes solve conflicts.) If the problem can be replicated
please write at the address above providing:
- Your name and address.
- Program version number (see the Syntax/Help panel).
- Computer model and configuration, and hardware used.
- A sufficiently detailed description of the problem.
- A list of resident and nonresident programs in use,
and their sequence of loading into memory.
Messages may be left C/O Sysop at: The DC Information Exchange BBS
~~~~~~~~~ 202-433-6639, Sysop: Bill Walsh
(2400+ baud).
You may distribute this software via magnetic and/or electronic means, but
you are specifically prohibited from:
- Charging fees or asking donations in exchange of or payment
for copies of the software.
- Distributing this software with commercial products without
the written permission from the author.
- Distributing this software via a for-profit organization or
group, either alone or with other software.
The unauthorized copying, decompiling or disassembling of this software is
prohibited; any other use of this software is prohibited without a written
permission in advance from the author.
The author-copyright owner warrants for a period of thirty (30) days from
the date of delivery that, under normal use and without any modification,
the programs substantially conform to the accompanying specifications and
that the documentation is substantially complete and contains information
the author deems necessary to use the programs. If, during the thirty-day
period, a demonstrable defect in the programs, magnetic medium upon which
they are distributed, or documentation should appear, you may return this
software for repair or replacement, at the author's option. If the defect
cannot be repaired, or the software replaced with functionally equivalent
software, within sixty (60) days of the author's receipt of the defective
software, then you shall be entitled to a full refund of the license fee,
but not of the mailing/handling costs described in the registration form.
All other warranties of any kind, either express or implied,including but
not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
for as a particular purpose, are expressly excluded.
The author cannot and does not warrant that any function contained in the
programs will meet your requirements, or that the operation will be error
free. The entire risk as to the software performance or quality, or both,
is solely with the user, and not with the author.
You assume responsibility for the selection of the program to achieve your
intended results, and for the installation, use, and results obtained from
the software.
The author makes no warranty, either implied or expressed, including with-
out limitation any warranty with respect to this software documented here,
its quality, performance, or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event
shall the author be liable to you for damages, whether direct or indirect,
incidental, special, or consequential arising out the use of or any defect
in the software, even if the author has been advised of the possibility of
such damages, or for any claim by any other party.
The author's entire liability, and your exclusive remedy shall be: (1) the
replacement of an original software diskette not meeting the above Limited
Warranty and which is returned to the author along with proof of purchase,
or (2), if the author is unable to deliver a replacement diskette which is
free of defects, you may terminate the License Agreement by returning this
software and the corresponding license fee will be returned.
By using the software, you acknowledge (1) to have read and understood all
parts of this document and (2) to have agreed with and accepted all of its
provisions without any reservation.